Prototyping Competition

2014 Francis College of Engineering Prototyping Competition


- $1000 award for 1st place team
- $750 award for 2nd place team
- $500 award for 3rd place team
- $250 award for the people choice team (crowd voting)


November 10, 2014 - Submit Proposal
November 21, 2014 - Submit Presentation
December 04, 2014 - Finals Competition and Awards

For more details visit:

2014 Francis College of Engineering Prototyping Competition


Team SubZero did not place in the competition this year but has decided to continue improving and re-enter next year.

Team SubZero

Team SubZero
A capture of the team at the First Dean's Prototyping Challenge

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Laser Cutting the Prototype Enclosure

We spent some time on Monday working with the TA to help us laser cut the layers of acrylic to make our prototype enclosure. You can see pictures of that below.

Here is the green acrylic being laser cut. 

Here is the blue acrylic being laser cut. 

The green acrylic came out beautifully. 

Here is the enclosure being held together with the #8-32 bolts. They are going to the wrong way then the design says but thats just to hold it together right now. This gives a picture of what the final product will look like. 

A close up of how the DB9 serial connectors will feed through the top part of the case. 

The ethernet cables will feed through the slots built in like this. They will be epoxied in place to make sure no water is let in. 

Next part is to epoxy the bottom layers together and find a gasket for it!


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