Prototyping Competition

2014 Francis College of Engineering Prototyping Competition


- $1000 award for 1st place team
- $750 award for 2nd place team
- $500 award for 3rd place team
- $250 award for the people choice team (crowd voting)


November 10, 2014 - Submit Proposal
November 21, 2014 - Submit Presentation
December 04, 2014 - Finals Competition and Awards

For more details visit:

2014 Francis College of Engineering Prototyping Competition


Team SubZero did not place in the competition this year but has decided to continue improving and re-enter next year.

Team SubZero

Team SubZero
A capture of the team at the First Dean's Prototyping Challenge

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

PS2 Arduino Controller

Here are some cool links and videos that I found to control an Arduino using an old Play Station 2 controller.  Maybe we could think of controlling our Subzero Arduino Submarine using something like this.

The Links:

The Videos:

- ZM

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